Newsletter Specially Unknown – June 2019
Video interview with Anila Noor, member of a European Migrant Advisory Board and policy advisor for integration in the Municipality of Amsterdam ♦ Specially Unknown coordinators and team leaders look back on the most impressive moments of Specially Unknown so far ♦ It’s raining events: artistic works and cultural productions in Paris, Bochum, Antwerp and Turin ♦ A snapshot preview of what you can expect to experience in the workshops of the Oracle of Amsterdam conference 28 June in Amsterdam
Anila Noor on why life stories of refugees are important
Anila Noor is member of a European Migrant Advisory Board, policy advisor for integration in the Municipality of Amsterdam, and initiator of the Women Connector movement – to give voice and empower women refugees. She is “feminist by birth”, comes from Pakistan, and got a political asylum in The Netherlands in 2014. We asked her about her life story and about her thoughts regarding … More
Looking back at the most impressive moments of Specially Unknown so far
“What was the most valuable in this project so far? What has moved you the most until now? and “What does working at Specially Unknown mean for your future?” Specially Unknown coordinators and team leaders from Paris, Antwerp, Bochum and Turin, are reflecting on these questions.… More
Cultural and artistic productions based on the life stories of refugees were co-created by the refugees and Specially Unknown partners in Paris, Bochum, Antwerp and Turin. Here you can read and see more about these events … More
A snapshot of what you could expect at the Oracle of Amsterdam conference
How does cultural life look in future cities? What can be done to stimulate co-creation? What is the meaning of oral history interviews for European cities? These are some of the questions we are going to think about and work on at the Oracle of Amsterdam conference. We are revealing a bit about the three – out of nine workshops – to give you an idea of what you could expect …More
This is the 3rd of our 4 Newsletters. Next edition – September 2019. If you wish to subscribe, please send an email to: