Team BMP


Organization of Specially Unknown


The project Specially Unknown is an initiative of Foundation BMP based in Amsterdam. BMP acts as the secretary and general coordinator of the project. Besides that, it offers the oral history training for the local project coordinators and trainers from the 4 participating European cities and supports them in the realization of the artistic presentations. BMP also coordinates the Delphi research in nine European countries, and the European conference in Amsterdam. Contact:



Saskia Moerbeek – Financial manager / Director Foundation BMP

Saskia is director of Foundation BMP.  Within Specially Unknown she is responsible for the overall quality of the project, financial management, content control and the oral history training. Saskia studied Cultural Anthropology with North Africa and the Middle East as a specialization. Contact:



Frank von Meijenfeldt  – Researcher / Secretariat

Frank is a researcher with an Msc. in Andragology and a vast experience in conducting studies on the social integration of migrants and refugees in the Netherlands. In BMP he is responsible for the development of educational material, oral history training’s materials. Within Specially Unknown he is coordinator and researcher of the Delphi panel study, and in charge of the building of a European database of oral history interviews. Contact:



Tanja Vranic – Creative organizer

Tanja is a cultural professional with the background in Theatre Directing, Cultural Policy & Management,  and a vast experience in advising, journalism and International Cultural Cooperation. She is responsible for the creation of the program and side programs of the European conference where the outcomes of Specially Unknown will be shared and discussed; and for the general communication of the project in the Netherlands and Europe.