Testimonials Paris
Testimonials / Impressions of the audiences
“C’est quoi la vie dans le costume d’un réfugié?” performance on the 6th of March in Cité internationale des arts made a deep impression on 150 attendees from various fields of life and work: artists currently in residency at the Cité and from the Atelier des artistes in exile, but also from the French branch of UNCHR, as well the Parisians interested in arts and the topic of migration and refugees.
Here are some impressions:
“When the performance started (from the crowd in the corridor), immediately was the scent of the ”historical dust” in the air: Slave trade, colonial occupation, anti-colonial struggles, heavy dry climate, dangerous migrations over the sea, integrations in a new society with another way of living etc. Their dance dialogue was a powerful non-verbal conversation which we could understand in basic lines. I was not trying to ”read” this conversation in details, there was anger and fight between enemies and in the next moment brotherhood in pain and sadness.”
Helena Klakocar (Croatia/Netherlands)
graphic artist,
Cité internationale des arts resident, March 2019
“I was impressed by the evocative power of the dance and the intensity of the performance. Taigue and Mohammad did a remarkable job of bringing the stories and testimonies of the interviewees to the stage.”
François Tiger
External Relations Officer
Cité internationale des arts