Oracle of Amsterdam –
a peep in a “making-of” of the conference

Ideas and visions on a creative presentation of Specially Unknown’s topics and outcomes, on the real-time co-creation at the workshops, and on the collective creation at the Closing Plenary – the snapshot of a design, so far.

You are looking at the most sensitive stage of the creative process: when the dreams and fantasies are being translated into a feasible and achievable planning. Our dreams are to have:

Opening Plenary


Welcome Word – a surprise


Specially Unknown – a “live book”


Prologue: Specially Unknown in a nutshell – BMP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Chapter 1: Oral History interviews

Compilation of fragments from 4 cities

First analysis of the differences & similarities between the 4 cities – LWLM, Bochum, Germany

Interview with the interviewer – RICP, Turin, Italy and RSLM, Antwerp, Belgium


Chapter 2: Artistic co-creation

Live performance

Paris insights – co-creation between artist refugees from different disciplines and continents


Chapter 3: Cultural participation of refugees

Reflections on Delphi survey – BMP Amsterdam

Surprising moments of Delphi panel, from Sweden, Portugal, Greece & Hungary


Workshops – doers, thinkers and dreamers create possible, probable and desirable future scenarios

Workshop 1: New narratives, future cultural heritage: creation of a new interview collection in your city
Workshop 2: Meaning of the oral history interviews for European cities
Workshop 3: Ultimate interview collection

Workshop 4: Forms of creative engagement with new citizens in existing cultural institutions
Workshop 5: Preconditions and “artistic” policies of the cultural institutions
Workshop 6: Dreamed artistic production

Workshop 7: Enhancing cultural participation – concrete steps
Workshop 8: Strategies for the cultural participation policies
Workshop 9: Utopia – genuine cultural participation

Please note that the definite program will be published by the beginning of June 2019. More about the workshops and speakers, in the June edition of the Newsletter.

If you are interested to take see more of the preliminary program, or to register please click here


Links to the other articles of the 2nd newsletter: