Oracle of Amsterdam Conference 28 June 2019


How can the stories of refugees be a part of the cultural heritage of the European cities? In which ways can these stories be presented to a broader audiences? What are the ways for cultural participation of refugees? What are the various roles we – each and all of us – could take in these matters?


Oracle of Amsterdam conference end of June in Amsterdam wants to inspire and encourage thinking and acting on these questions.


It is a festive closure of the European project Specially Unknown, inspired and named after two “Delphi-es” – the ancient Greek oracle of Delphi and the 20th century Delphi research method (employed by Specially Unknown) – which both base their prophecies and advises about the best courses of action on the “collective intelligence”, on whispers from various sides, areas of life, insiders and experts.


The conference will be a temporary oracle space where the outcomes of the Specially Unknown project are shared in creative and engaging ways, to motivate and stimulate participants to think, dream and create the whispers for the Oracle of Amsterdam: desirable, possible, and probable scenarios on the role of the life stories of refugees for cultural heritage, art productions and cultural participation in European cities.


Various parts of the Specially Unknown project – fragments of interviews with refugees, artistic productions inspired by them, and the outcomes of the European survey on cultural participation – will feed conference’s sessions and workshops.


The conference will be held on the 28th of June in Amsterdam. More about the conference – program, participants, venue, run-up towards it – will be shared on the Specially Unknown website and in the next newsletter. If you are interested to take part in the conference, please mail us.


Links to the different articles of the 1st newsletter: