Examples of productions (The Netherlands)
This short film Ted Alkemade and Jefta Varwijk made with Afghans in Utrecht as part of the group projects with refugee communities during the Ongekend Bijzonder project in 2015. This film was the prelude to the kite festival on 1 May 2016.
Apart from an interesting frame story of refugees in the past and present “The Library of Unwritten Stories” gives insight in the process of learning how to conduct an oral history interview. One of the chapters is translated into English: “The first virtue: listening”
Over 30 Artistic Presentations
In the four cities in the Netherlands, over 30 artistic presentations based on the collected material were presented to the public during the Ongekend Bijzonder Festival from April – June 2016. These final artistic presentations (theater, opera, art exhibitions, storytelling et cetera.) were made in collaboration with the city museums, archives and other public institutions.
The first analysis of the Specially Unknown interview material in the Netherlands: