Country of origin: morocco
Year of settlement: 2008
Age on arrival: 25
City: turin
Gender: male
Language of the interview: Italian
[i] Hello [name] .
[r] Hello.
[i] How are you?
[r] Well thank you.
[i] Welcome.
I lived in Morocco until I was 25 years old and then I thought about immigrating because I didn’t find what I wanted to do in the artistic field. Because I am an artist I am a musician music for me is my life.
[i] [name] why did you choose Italy?
[r] Italy because it is a country where I feel closer to the Mediterranean also because we have so many things in common.
[i] How long have you been in Italy?
[r] For 11 years.
[i] And in these 11 years what have you managed to achieve when you had so many dreams that you could not achieve in Morocco?
[r] In these 11 years I’ve realized many things. First of all I learned another culture and I met other people and other musicians. I created my own band and worked with a lot of bands. I did a lot of things that I like.
[i] Did you create a band?
[r] Yes.
[i] and what do you do?
[r] We make Mediterranean music and traditional music from Morocco and also a bit of jazz. we do a lot of things.
[i] We can say that this experience has added more things to you. What was your first job here in Italy the first experience?
[r] My first experience is my job in a hotel I was a waiter doing everything there.
[i] In this period you’re here you’ve obviously made a lot of friends. Did you have an easy integration or did you have some obstacles?
[r] At first it was a bit difficult because I left my family with all my friends. And then I had a problem with the latter language, which I had never studied before. At first it was a bit hard but slowly I went to school and I started to study so I learned a bit.
[i] [name] Have you managed to preserve your Moroccan Arabic culture in these 11 years? Or once you decided to immigrate and leave your country you left her behind too?
[r] No. I still have our customary habits in some things, but I have also taken other habits from Italian culture.
[i] Have you managed to make your culture known to the Italians?
[r] We make music, because music has a language, we send a message, we tell our story. I can express with music and I think I have done it.
[i] Let’s talk a bit about your daily life at home. As if this culture manifests these customs in everyday life from food to customs and everything. How do you live your daily life?
[r] I live my everyday life normally. Even eating sometimes I eat Italian and other Moroccan depends on the days.
[i] And since you arrived in Italy have you managed to return to your country or not?
[r] I went and every year I go if I can.
[i] And now that it’s been 11 years since you’ve been here and you’ve gotten quite used to Italian culture and European life. when you come back to Morocco how do you live this difference?
[r] I see a lot of difference because when I came here I took so much from Italian culture many customs without noticing. And then when I go back to my country I see these differences.
[i] When did you decide to leave your country and immigrate your family, how did this decision of yours make this news?
[r] Actually, my family decided that I was going to Italy because I had just graduated and couldn’t find a job. And then my mom talked to her cousin about it. And in the meantime they had made a law here in Italy that was called “Flows” because of the flow of immigrants to Italy and I came to regulate.
[i] And on the first day you came to Italy how was the impact?
[r] The first day the impact was beautiful. But after the second day I wanted to go back to my country.
[i] Why?
[r] Because I was lonely. I didn’t know anyone, and I didn’t know how to communicate or express myself if I was hungry or sick.
[i] And what have you done to overcome these obstacles?
[r] A little patience and I attended more the Italians and I also attended the school that helped me a lot.
[i] Since you’ve managed to do so many things here in Italy. Do you think you’ll settle here forever or can you consider going back to Morocco?
[r] I dream not only of being here in Italy, my dream is to travel the world. I would like to meet other cultures and other people. And to introduce me as a musician to learn more melodies and make our melodies heard. This is the life I would like to live.
[i] And when you’re on stage when there’s some show and you play the melodies of your country how do you feel?
[r] I feel proud of myself because I introduce other people to my culture.
[i] And what did this immigration experience add to your experience? Where do you see that you have earned and what you have earned?
[r] In my life it added a lot of things to me and I learned a lot of things. And then I have friends who support me and who help me. Even families who make me feel like one of them.
[i] And when you’re with your friends, especially the Italians, you feel like a foreigner or you feel like one of them.
[r] Not with my friends, I feel like one of them. But there are other people who make you feel the opposite.
[i] What can you tell these people?
[r] What I can tell them is that I first know the person and then judge.
[i] Sure. And what about the Moroccan community here in Turin? Do you meet when there are parties or does everyone live on their own?
[r] Now life is a bit demanding and those who study other things work every now and then, maybe we meet but not always.
[i] Now you live here in Turin, and the first one you arrived here?
[r] I arrived here in the province of Turin in Curgnè.
[i] Have you seen any other cities in Italy or not?
[r] Yes, thanks to my music I shot.
[i] I would like to ask you another question if you have any hobbies, do you do any sports?
[r] As a hobby I like to read I like to play I like to do some sport. And I like to eat.
[i] Speaking of eating, have you ever cooked something of your country to your Italian friends?
[r] Yes, they always ask me.
[i] And what typical dish do they ask you for more?
[r] The Cuscus or the Tagin depends.
[i] And when you first cooked your friends how was their reaction?
[r] Were Bella happy and happy?
[i] So you feel like an ambassador too, let’s call it that. Let them know about your kitchen and make them appreciate it too.
[r] Yes, of course.
[i] Have you learned how to cook some Italian dish?
[[r] Sure.
[i] What is it if I can ask for it?
[r] Lots of dishes the pizza dry pasta lasagna all these things.
[i] [name] when you go back to Morocco your family and your mother ask you to cook something Italian?
[r] Apart from the fact that my mother is not there anymore, they ask me.
[i] I feel sorry for my mother
[[r] My brothers ask me that.
[i] So on the one hand we can say that an immigrant can play a double role. in the sense that when he finds in Italy he makes his culture known and when he finds outside Italy he makes the Italian culture known.
[r] Of course.
[i] Let’s say if you ever happened to be around the city and to be attacked or judged as you react as you feel inside?
[r] Inside me I feel bad but with the brain I think and I say that these people are ignorant. because not knowing the person well you can not understand who he is.
[i] [name] for this mass of immigration guys who come with the embarkation what do you think of this phenomenon?
[r] I think they are a production for any country. because most of these guys are people who have escaped from misery or war. Then you have to welcome them and give them the opportunity to work and the opportunity to live.
[i] What advice can you give these guys?
[r] I advise her to study the language. I advise them to look for work until they get it right.
[i] Do you have children [name] and are you married?
[r] No.
[i] And once you have children, if God will, would you pass on your culture to them or would you let them live their way?
[r] I will let them live in their own way because my parents let me live in my own way.
Do you have anything else to add?
[r] Like what?
[i] Whatever you want.
[r] I’m happy to be here in Italy because I’ve had so much knowledge. I had many opportunities to meet other people also from abroad thanks to the music.
[i] And I wish you a good future and thank you for answering my questions.
[r] Thank you.