Country of origin: congo
Year of settlement: 2015
Age on arrival: 24
City: bochum
Gender: male
Language of the interview: Lingala
[i] Hello Mr. [name], we thank you for your agreement in the project of Müseum Hanover from Bochum. We have this project that can help us in the future, how the migrants come, what can be done to help them. What can be improved? In the 50th years were the Italians, the Greeks. And in the 80th years Africans, Congolese came. We are Congolese, how would we like to know why Congolese come . What problems do they have and how do they live in the city of Bochum? My first question: When you got in Germany, how did it happen that you got in Bochum, Mr. [name]?
[r] Thank you already President Massakidi for the question and also thank you for taking your time to receive me, today in the office of Bosangani. Thank you for the question. At first I did not know the city of Bochum. When I came, I applied for asylum. Then it was … In Schoppigen, I went in Schoppigen. There people were no longer accepted. Then I went to Dortmund. I was sent to Dortmund, I think, to Olpe. This is the surrounding area of the city of Siegen. After that I got a final assignment to the city of Bochum. That was so.
[i] Thanks for the answer. You came to Bochum, where exactly did you arrive? What was your first impression when you arrived in Bochum? That is, how did you find the city? City like the buildings, the inhabitants of Bochum, how did you find them? How did they receive you?
[r] Yes, that was good, the reception was good, because when I came, … We went by bus, we took, I think, an hour by bus. After that, when we arrived in Bochum, we first stopped at the town hall, I think. We had to get off there, then we were taken to the social welfare office, so that we could get a taxi, and then we got a place to stay. The reception was actually good. The reception was good. I also liked the city of Bochum. When we arrived, there was a market at the town hall. Because I saw a lot of people,
[i] Thank you! In which month did you come to Germany or in which year?
[r] I am in Germany in the year 2015, that was the month of June, I think that was June 15, 2015.
[i] And in Bochum?
[r] In Bochum I have no idea anymore, because …ah In Bochum I have no idea anymore, because it’s long time ago. I will try to verify. . Next time I’ll answer that question.
[i] You came to Bochum, how did you find the people of Bochum, the city of Bochun, the food of this city, and the tradition of this city? We mean the Germans and other foreigners who have lived in Bochum for a long time.
[r] I like seeing people at the flea market. And then, to see how they live, Since it was the first time for me, I first looked at it, then wrapped it well. That was good to look at people, then …
[r] What difficulties, obstacles, did you have when you were new?
First it was the language, the language because we came from a country where French is spoken. We came here and found another language. English is not spoken much. The first difficulty was in the language, then second it was in the first city where I was. The city was very far and in the forest. There were no people. It was actually a bit hard. In the first city, which is called Olpe. That was the first difficulty, afterwards …
[i] Apart from the language, you had no other difficulties, people were open or held back, how was the reception?
[r] No, the reception was good, the people welcomed us well. The difficulty was only the language, you couldn’t talk to people, . We couldn’t understand each other. In order for us to be able to talk, someone had to be found who spoke a little French. or who already spoke a little bit French. Then they can talk.
[interviewers] Had they not provided them with interpreters because they already knew they were new. Some of you speak Arabic, Iranian, French, or others only speak the language of your home country? Hadn’t they prepared interpreters to help you?
[r] Thank you for the question. Yes, there were, but they often came when there was important information to give. They had brought us into such an opportunity in a room, and there was spoken in English, in French, in Arabic, and also in German. That was true, but not always. Only if they have a message. That’s what they did.
[i] Thank you! Where do you live in Bochum now? Or in which municipality of Bochum? Can you describe your commune a bit? So people can get an idea what your commune is like, what your district is like?
[r] First I lived in Bochum in Allee Strasse, I don’t know if I can call it the city center, or another part of the city. In Alleestrasse
[i] Here in the middle of town?
[r] Yes, but in the side of, in the direction of the tram of Höntrop First I lived there, then I moved and I walked in the district Wattenscheid. At the moment I live in Wattenscheid.
[i] Can you describe something about your place of residence Allee Str.? How were they accommodated?
That was hard because I suffered there. I stayed there about 6 months, and then The sleeping condition was not good, the lodging was done quickly, that was not so good. That was not in a good condition at all. It used to be, I think, a basketball court. The rooms were divided and the rooms were formed. It was really difficult. The food was always in a certain time, you have to be dabai while eating. If you’re not there, you missed it. That was hard. In addition, we had to be assigned quickly, but it happened that we stayed there for up to 6 months. Because it was hard. Besides, if you put pressure on the boss who was responsible for the assignment, you could get an assignment. If you don’t press, you stay there. That’s the difficulty we had. It happened that every time the boss came, we went to him and put pressure on him, talked to him and said that we needed assignment. Because it was difficult in Allee Str.. it was a bit difficult. It was good for me that I had had contact with the football team there. Our accommodation was right next door to a football field. Every time I went there to look because I had nothing to do. You couldn’t go out either, because when you went out, . We were watched. Besides, everyone had their time. There was fixed time for food. I had to be in the football field a lot. I watched football. Then I found a team that coaches there. One day I called my friend from Bavaria, I put him in touch with the coach because I couldn’t communicate with him myself. I asked him to ask the coach if I could train there. So that I can get endurance and regain performance. Then the trainer took the phone and I printed myself out with a drawing. He even took the phone, then he heard my friend. He explained to him that I am a player and wants to train with the team. He was very happy because they also had a lack of players. Then he talked to my friend, he asked him everything, also about the positions. My friend gave it to me. After that he told me to come on certain days, he said me in English. He called the days of training and asked me to come. Then I intercepted by training. First day was hard for me because I hadn’t trained for a long time. But they have filled that I can play. He has already played. After I made 2 weeks there, I could then play better, then they looked for an interpreter for me, he was a Senegalese, so that we can talk about the contract. They also suggested to me whether I could play. She wanted to know my idea. We had a chat and I started playing afterwards. Allee Strasse was open for doors. although it was hard. That’s how it was.
[i] Before we go into details, I’d like to ask you further here: You came from Africa, in Congo you ate something different. Here in shelter they are given other food. Did you like this food, or how did you see it? The food from here because they have a big difference with the food from your home.
[r] Thank you president for your question, that was hard because we come from a culture, we found other food here. Really it was hard. That was hard, but we had no choice, we had to get used to it. But there were some things I had already gotten used to from Kinshasa. I often preferred to eat that. But the other one, which I didn’t know, had made me difficult.
[i] For example, what things did you see here, what did you eat in Congo?
[r] Yes, first salad, we already ate that in Congo, we also ate eggs in Congo, and we are used to many fruits like apples, oranges, oranges, etc. in Kono. Because so it is.
[i] Did you have the opportunity to cook by yourself or were you offered the already cooked food?
[i] No, we didn’t have this possibility, we only had the possibility to eat the food that was brought to us. There was no way to cook.
When you say “difficulty”, can’t you describe what difficulty? In Allee Street I mean. What difficulty can you not say. Difficulty because of that and this, because only difficulty is vague.
[r] Difficulty, first because of the living condition, what we had to live there, the living condition was not good because there were many people, and all the accommodation was full. This place would fabricate, that was a basketball court, that have separated with tarpaulin. That was the first difficulty, and instead of not staying long there, we had to stay 6 months. We had no internet, no TV, you could only sleep, you could pick up food according to the schedule. There are the difficulties. Morally we were very beaten. Morally I was beaten. I had thought a lot, it was difficult.
[i] And there the understanding between you there was good, or there were some conflicts? There were different nationalities, different languages, all together.
[r] Yes, there were really a lot of misunderstandings, there were brutes, and then every time the police came. Because everyone has brought with his kind of life from his family. That was really hard. But what had helped me, I had already had the time to live with different people, working as a football player. We were together with rackets, with educated people, also at the university. So I know how to live with people. I can avoid the bad, and also the misunderstanding. That helped me. I didn’t want to get any problems.
[i] Can you tell us which nationalities belong to the people who were with you?
[r] Yeah, sure. We were mixed, I catch first in Africa: In Africa we had 2 Congolese, and then Nigerians, they were, I think 4, then there were Syrians, they were many, also Iraqis, Macedians, they were also a lot and then from which country …, uh. That was almost everything.
[i] Had this accommodation possibility entertainment in the sense that you can use his time. Like watching TV, playing, or going outside, walking. What kind of entertainment did you have there?
[r] The first conversation was like I just said, it was soccer because the soccer field was down. Since football is my report, my first conversation was football. But there were also televisions, but the programmes were German. At the beginning we couldn’t understand the language, so it was a bit difficult. We had only watched the TV pictures without knowing what was being said. But there were no games. Only the Syrians had the game people do not annoy me. They had sometimes hung up on it and played it. So it was.
[i] We’ll talk about football later. I’d like to know first what it was like in the Wattenscheid district? . You described the accommodation in Bochum, then you’re assigned to Wattenscheid. What was the environment like there? How, for example, are you accommodated? I liked the district Wattenscheid. When I first drove through the district, I think I went to the city of Gelsenkirchen and found it good. When I heard in the home that people in Wattenscheid were being assigned, there was also a Congolese among them. The Congolese informed me that this city is good. Then I got my way with the boss so that I wouldn’t be sent to the city centre, but to Wattenscheid. When we got there, the reception was good. The residents of the district came to welcome us. This city pleased me, I found peace. The city is well built and we were well received. Then a school was judged. People had talked to us. People who speak French came and talked to us. Some tried to speak in French. It was really good.
[i] How were you accommodated? Was it like Allee Str. or was it different?
[r] The living conditions changed a bit because they gave us a flat and we were 2 people in the flat. In addition, you could cook alone. There was a small change.
[i] Did you have the opportunity to buy things yourself and then cook into your tastes?
[r] Yes!
[i] What does the city of Bochum mean to you, for comparison, do we say in your life? You lived beautifully in Bochum for some time, like Lange, I don’t know, what does Bochum mean to you?
[r] Yes, I’ve been living in Bochum for 4 years, I think it’s good because it’s still quiet, there’s not much stress, it’s quiet. You can concentrate better, first for the education of the children and also for your own activity. School and work you can concentrate on. My wish is to stay here forever.
[i] Let’s talk a little about sports and leisure in general. You said that you play football, here in Bochum or in Germany in which team do you play? Or since you’ve been here, which teams have you already met? Thank you for your question. First here in Germany, I played in Germania, that’s the name of the team, in Bochum, the name was Germania, that was in Kreisliga, I think a. Because that was the beginning. I only needed to be able to train myself. I played for one year. After I played a year, we had played in Halle in Bochum stadium. Then I had been lucky because there were a lot of people in the hall who had also seen my way of playing. There were some Africans from Cameroon, they came from Cameroon, they had spoken some French, we had exchanged contacts. That gave me the opportunity to change the team. After that I was taken, I did a test in Wattenscheid in another team. That was before, I live in Wattenscheid. That was good. After that, when I was finished, I had to play there. There it was Landesliga, I think. There was a different level compared to the team where I played. Then it came, when I ran a day, I had met 2 young Turks. They had seen me as a player. They were interested in me. We greeted each other and talked even though I hadn’t understood the language. Since I was with a boy who had lived here for a long time, we had talked. We had exchanged good contacts. They had suggested that I do some training with them. While I was waiting for the people from Wattenscheid, I went to them to do training. They didn’t want to let me. They said we had to talk. They said they needed me, they wanted to develop the team. I had no choice because I had signed a contract with them. Your team was far away in Gelsenkirchen, in the direction of Buer, opposite the Schalke stadium. I did a test there, then I started it. The team is called Gen cheap resse . That belongs to the Turks. I’ve been there for 3 years. We got along well.
[i] You played football in 2 teams here in Germany. You were accepted and they noticed that you play football well. Let’s go back to your childhood. Where did you start playing football? :In which city, in which municipality? Thanks for the question, I was born in Ndjili, I also grew up in Ndjili, exactly in quarter 2. In Ndjili on the street
[i] In what city?
[r] The city is Kinshasa I was born in Kinshasa in the municipality of Ndjili. I had had time to start playing football there. I started playing football there. Ndjili is the municipality where I grew up. Besides, in this municipality we really had the opportunity to play football. At first we had a lot of football pitches, which meant that everyone who was lucky enough to be born in Ndjili had a desire to play football. We grew up with football. There were many football fields, our elders had played, we had accompanied them and finally also participated. That was so. Football talent belongs to the family because my father had also played. As our father After our father had played, when we grew up, we always went to watch football. There was a couple in Ndjili called Africa, their president was Savanier, he was a musician. We have often gone to support this team. We were still small, then this team was released. Then another team was formed in the same football field. in Ndjili Epome in quarter 7, near the market Mangobo. The name of the club was Tresor from the president Tshamala. This was the team that had replaced the other when Arika had been relieved. When Africa was released, Tresor was founded. In Tresor there were many teams in different categories: Minime Cadet, , Junior and Senior Since we had always looked at the players from this team who were known because the team was big, we had the desire to play football. Then one day … I had already played football, but not in a team. That was tournament play, sometimes there was pay, but I hadn’t played in the team. I was afraid. I thought that the people who play in the team are special. They know a lot, I can’t play like them. I By the time that I had played tournaments several times, I had played in a tournament during which I had met the coach of Tresor. His name was Lucien Mbaya , he was in Luttich in Belgium. When he had seen me play, he came to me. He had talked to me, he said that I will play football well. He asked me in which team I would play. I told him that I was not going to play in one team. He kept asking me what I was going to do. I replied that I went to school. He went on to say that he wanted to take me so I could play in his team. I was afraid. I had told him that I would not make it in the team. He said that I should come anyway. But he came to me again and again with presents, he came mannchmai at our home. Sometimes he took me in his car. he brought me football equipment, I as a child, I found the special. The first day of my training there, I had been afraid because the players were very talented. But he had encouraged me, I should continue to train Then I had noticed that they were not special. The training was good. Then I got used to it. When I was there for 2 weeks, I had the rhythm of the team. I had felt like a team member. Then I stayed there. After the training, … Because I had trained earlier in a team, before I began in club. I had made, I think, 2 games. The people in charge of this team came to me and said that I would belong to their team. I was not allowed to change. Our coach Lucien Mbaya, since he already needed me, had spoken to this coach. Although he wasn’t the right coach, but someone who had taken us to play in his team. He had considered me his player. They had given him some money, then I could finally go to the Tresor team. Then I trained and played there. I first started with Mini, then we went to cadet. From cadet I became God’s help, I had played directly in the 2nd league. Since I played in the 3rd league. From junior we had risen directly to 2nd league. In the 2nd league the first year was hard because many players were older. In the 2nd year we could dominate the 2nd league. We had played well there. After that I went directly into the 1st league. I had played in the 1st league in the team Tresor for 3 years. True of the 3 years we had enough time to play there. We had enough time to get to know each other, we had good contacts. Then I went out. I went to my first team in the stadium, called Kin Titi. I had played there for 1 year. After that I joined the team Regideso, that is the water supply company in Congo. There I had also played 1 year. After Regideso I had gone in a team of Barumbu. The team was in Beau Marche in the playing field of Olsen. There I had played, I think, 2 years. After I had played there for 2 years, I got a good offer. I went to Dragon, Bilima. In Bilima I got the offer from Tunisia. Although I didn’t go to test because they were complications. When I got this offer, it had opened some doors for me. When I had not gone, I had gone to the team “Imana” in DCMP. I had had time in DCMP, I was housed in Kinkonle. We had time to train there. But when the time came for the transfer, there were complications. Since the leaders had not agreed for the money, I had changed, I am to Schake. The team belonged to ex-president Kabila. But the team was in the position of his brother Zoe. I think I played there for two and a half years. After that I entered to Rogelu. Rogerlu was the team of Roger and Romelu Lukaku. They have the team there. They founded them in Congo. I didn’t play there for long, then I left. Football in any case is something good, that is my career.
[i] Thank you. You talked a lot about your football career, from your childhood until your departure from Congo, but you didn’t mention in which post did you play? What positions did you have in the team? First when I was a kid, it was my first middle forward position. I had played number 9. In French it means: Avant centre (centre forward) I had played position 9 for a long time, then it came that I played in the centre. As is usual with many coaches. After some games he brings the team in his philosophy. I’m in midfield, then sometimes I played as a right wing player. That means number 2 in the right position. Then they had me in the middle line, number 5 or 6 There is the position that I possessed, I stayed in this position for a long time, I dominated the position well. Until today my positions are: Midfield, defender and midline.
[i] If you can imagine your football career in Germany, how you made it for Congo, what can you say? Uh, yeah, my career in Germany was hard at first, I had no contacts at first, As I had said, Where we were accommodated, there was a football field. Every Sunday they had played, I had looked and noticed that their level was down. When I train, it gets better. Then by my friend, when I had called him, and he had spoken to the coach, since he already knew the language, and since he has lived here for a long time. When I had talked to the coach, he had allowed me to train with them. When I trained with them, all the players were happy with me. She asked me where I had come from. I replied that I would live here. She had felt sorry for me. They had asked me for my name. I had only replied with some English. because I was zero with the language. I knew nothing. Afterwards … Since they were satisfied with me, they had told me to come back tomorrow. Tomorrow I had also come, and we had trained ourselves again. They told me normally that I should come again the day after tomorrow. They had given me their schedule. Then I came according to the plan. They had seen my way of playing and they were interested. They said that I would help them. They didn’t want to let me go anymore. They had taken me to the dressing room, there were shoes and I was supposed to choose a pair of shoes. so that I could train with it. I went on to say that I should come regularly. I had taken and I have come also further. After a week they had brought an interpreter. They wanted to talk to me about the contract. They wanted me to sign so that I could play in the team. Since I wanted to become active again, I had made no difficulty. We had talked through the interpreter and I had mentioned my conditions. They agreed. A photo was made to me. Then they had taken care of the papers and afterwards I could begin. The first game I had set. I had only seen and in the end I had to go in and play. When I had gone rien and how I had played, they had praised me for it. She repeated that I had to help them a lot. There, with them had played in front, I had played as a center forward and left wing player. We changed. In the second game I had played from the beginning. I was the holder. It has remained so, I was always the placeholder until I was separated with them. In the current team the coach, as they have many players, suggested me to play in the midfield. because they are looking for midfielders. I told him it was no problem. I will play, I am versatile. I’ve already played in different positions. Because he let me play in the midfield. Then he let me play in the midfield for a long time, and later he decided that I should play in the back. Because there was one player left in the midfield, he had to keep playing and I had to go back. When that worked out, he had said that I was not an attacker, I should keep playing in that position. It also stayed that way that I stayed in that position. I play in the central axis, and then in the midfield. It was a bit difficult to go in the midfield. But the coach had told me it was better there. I’m only supposed to help in those positions. That means midfield and defense. It’s about the same position. Until today I play in this position. Really it’s very good. It’s going well. The difficulty what it only the climate change, the cold weather, the unknown language, which one does not know, one must express himself with signs. But since football is already in your head, communication was automatic.
If you have to compare the life in the team in Congo when you were there, the life in the team there and here. Are there differences, how is the understanding with the players there compared to here?
[r] Yes, yes, there is a big difference. The difference is big. In Kinshasa, when you play football, the moral is really … There’s a lot of stress, because you’re under the pressure of the spectators, there’s a lot of pressure from the team’s coach, there’s a lot of pressure from the team’s coach, there’s a lot of pressure from the president, there’s a lot of friends, there’s a lot of pressure from the team’s friends, there’s a lot of friends. Here in Europe it’s different. You play and people don’t say. You feel that … You play, the ball can go veloren, or not, the people are calm, they encourage you, they know that you will do better the next time. In Congo it is not so. In Congo, if you have played badly, you will be insulted, threatened: we will demolish your house. They will say many things. There is no stress here, you play without pressure, you play with calm, and there is also the difference of the football field. Here the field is made so that the ball follows your playing style. But in Congo it was hard because our fields are on sand, and it is also hard to control the ball. The ball often bounces somewhere else. But here all the football fields are in good condition. The climate here is good for that, but in Congo we play under the sun. We sweat a lot, the climate is good here, and then … The difference is big.
[i] In addition to your free time with football, do you have other free times, which you prefer in your life?
[r] Yes, thanks for the question. Besides football my other leisure time is: I like music a lot, my hobby is music, I often listen to music. When I’m not busy with football, I often listen to music.
[i] African music or all music?
[r] No, African music, more often the music from my home country. I hear them more often.
[i] Do you have preferred musicians from your country?
[r] Yes, I have preferred musicians that I often like to hear. (he laughs)
[i] Like what?
The first is Werrason, he’s my favorite musician, and then the second is Fally Ipupa, then the third is Heritier, because he’s a friend. They are almost my favorite musicians.
[i] I’m sure you don’t miss this risk because we are in a world of technology and we have Intenet. Do you have the possibility to hear it easily through Youtube or other sources? Or can it be that you miss them because you are far away?
[r] Yes, I have this possibility because there’s always Youtube, I follow it, I have … I follow the news, when an album comes out, I watch that. The possibility is there. I also have Internet on my mobile phone. Every time I’m free, I listen through the headset. So I have all these possibilities.
[i] Except football, what have you heard that you often play football, Except football here in Germany in Bochum with what else do you do in your spare time? Except football and listening to music. Do you have anything else to spend your time with in Bochum?
[r] Yes, I often spend my time in… That’s also in Bochum, that’s also sport, I do fitness. I also spend a lot of time there. When I’m free, I go to Fittness, I work a bit there. Because the school is already finished. I have already finished the courses. When I was still in school, I took books in my free time and read them. The language from here requires you to read. Since the school is already finished, I go to fitness when I am free. And when I am finished, I repeat my courses. I look where there is difficulty. I use my books for that.
[i] With the German society, I mean with the Germans, what is it like? I want to say, the Germans and other nationalities you found here. What are the contacts like?
[r] The contacts are especially good because all the people I meet, since I am friendly to them, receive me well. Until then all contacts are good. The Germans and also the foreigners, if we know each other, we have good contacts. Kotakt is really very good.
And with other African societies besides the Germans, the Europeans, do you have acts with African committees?
[r] YES, sure I have contacts with all Africans, we have a good time. Contacts are very good. The contacts are very good. We have a good relationship with Africans and we talk very good. The contact is really great.
[i] We see in the field of culture. You said that you follow the music of your home country. Because our African culture is different with the culture of Europeans. How do you see the culture of them? How they live, what difference do you see with the way of life in Africa?
[r] Yes, there is a big difference. First their food is different, secondly their mentality is different, Africa is different and thirdly they have their way of life. If he doesn’t want something, he says clearly that he doesn’t want it. He is not afraid to say you react directly. Besides, the difference is that they are very rowdy. Really we are different with each other. The difference is clear.
The difference is big, if we look at the food, you have the possibility here the food from Africa. Do you have the possibility to find this here? Since the difference is big with theirs. Do you get the chance to get your food here?
[r] YES, I have this possibility, because there are different Afroshops, there they are offered. When I have time, I go there and I buy what I need. In the food page, there is no difficulty, because all the food is almost here. nearly
If you compare the population of population of Bochum, the inhabitants of Bochum, if you make a comparison between the inhabitants of Bochum and your place of residence in Africa, in Ndjili. What can you say, what is about the difference ? How do they react and how do they live? And how the inhabitants from where you came and where you lived. Can you make a comparison?
[r] Yes, there is a big difference. As I said before, the mentality is different. The population of Ndjili or Bandal, I have also lived in Bandal, is different, because the inhabitants of there, when he meets you, he immediately asks you for help, because he does not have food. That is a disturbance, but here there is not. There is no such thing here. Everyone is calm here, he does not speak. You have the feeling that everyone is concentrated in their occupation. There is no time for meaningless entertainment. The mentality is really different. But in Kinshasa it’s not like that. In Kinshasa every time is loud, riots, discussions, … The difference is big, but here you have the time to think up something to do.
It’s loud among the people of Kinshasa because the city is big, there are many bars and many churches. But Bochum is a small city, so the difference can be a lot. To get in touch with the inhabitants of Bochum, is that easy or difficult?
[r] Yes, contact isn’t difficult, it’s easy. It depends on the people you talk to, depending on your problem or your project. They are ready to receive. The Europeans are even open, he will welcome you, then they will be entertained enough. It is not difficult, it is even simple. If you bring him a problem, they will talk about it well. If he does not agree with this thing, he will tell you afterwards. But it is not difficult to get in touch with someone. but simply.
[i] When you came here in Bochum, which people helped you in the beginning?
[r] Yes, when I came to Bochum there was first an acquaintance who was with me in the same home, he was Congolese, he had been there for a long time, he had helped me. He had me an office of Africans located here, called Bosangani. When I was in Bosangani, it came that I had met Africans there. After that I had met the president of the association, then I had got a lot of help from him. His name is Massakidi and also from his deputy president Kabamba Alexander. They took the time to help me. If I have a problem, I went there. We still have a good relationship.
[i] Can you tell us what this organization is doing? What help did you get there? Can you give an example?
[r] This is first of all an African association, they help Africans in all the problems they have. What I got there for help was first the language and then the reading of letters, so are the help that the association offers. It helps When you have difficulty, especially with the language first, the association is ready to help you. They can read your letters for you. If you have a problem that a dolmer needs, they will accompany you to some office. Furthermore, if you have a problem with …. If you have a problem with computers, or want to learn computers, look for work, want to write an application, the association is there to help. There are many things you can get help with. You will always find a solution.
[i] You’ve come from Congo, you’ve come to Europe, you’ve probably cursed problems from there. When you came here, you had a difference, according to your idea of Europe before. Did you notice a big difference, or a small difference?
[r] Yes, there was a difference, because we in Africa had thought that Europe was different. When we came here, … In Africa we didn’t know that there was political asylum. When we came here there was political asylum. You have to go there, do a lot of things, it’s really nothing. The difference is great. You are isolated, you are without a family, you are sent to a city, without your will. You’ll live alone until you’ve passed all the stages, it’s really torture. It’s not easy.
[i] You’re talking about family here, you have contact with a family that stayed in your home country? If you have contact, which one?
[r] Yes, certainly we have contact, by phone, we talk through it. We communicate through WhatsApp, and through normal communication every time I am free, call us. Also, if you have credit, call me and we’ll talk. I really have contact.
[i] Did you bring a souvenir from your home country that you remember your country? It could be a photo or something. An object that can be captured, that you remember your homeland, where you came from. Whether you have what you brought with you, for example.
[r] Ah, because I have photos. When I look at them, I remember different places. Example of souvenir are photos, when I look at them, they remind me of places.
[r] Are photos of family, friends, or yourself?
[r] Mine, of family and friends, . These remind me of Africa when I was there.
[i] When you were new, what difficulties did you have at the beginning, how did your life slowly change until it got better? For comparison with your life in the beginning. All the beginnings are difficult, then you can talk about your development until you have reached a certain stability.
[r] Yes, it is …At first I only had the will to follow the laws of this country, then the will to follow their courses, the will to learn, the will to integrate myself. After all these then it came when I understood the language a little bit, I got rest and I could achieve other thing. I can say that integration is the basis of development.
[r] When you came, you didn’t speak a single German language. Are you now able to understand each other with people? Speaking, buying things, going to the doctor, right? Can you say a little, what level are you at with the language?
[r] Yes, I am in this level, I can communicate with people alone, and then I understand a lot, I can also speak a little. That is, the level has reached a high, I have nothing that can make me difficult when someone speaks. The level has developed a lot.
If you need to make a comparison with your country, what do you find better in your country to compare with here or what is worse in your home country always to compare with here? There are also good things in your country, things that are better in your country than here in Europe. Generally take positive points from your country generally from your country.
[r] Ah! Yes, my country is good too. Zuest you feel well, and you are with the family. You’re with the family, and secondly, eh, phew, you’re with the family and friends. The country is known to you. The climate, the temperature is always good, you know all 4 corners, you know where to go. But here you are new, you start from scratch. That’s how it is.
[i] Do you want to say that you miss the family, or your surroundings, or the friends? Can you talk a little about it?
[r] Yes, I miss the family, I miss the environment because we were used to meeting in Kinshsa every time. Together we had played football, talked. But I miss that here.
[i] Here you have few contacts with people or you are alone or you are with family?
[r] Here I am alone but I also have people, I have contacts. I am alone without family.
[i] I also want to talk about the neighborhood. The neighbors who live with you, like you said you were in the home. But you also have neighbours from the same room or corridor, or the same home, how do you understand each other? How is the contact with each other?
[r] Yes, the contact with the neighbours is good, the contact is good. There are some that I have good relationships with. But if someone has a different character, I also show …, I also avoid contact … to avoid problems. Who is a bit nice, we will greet each other, besides … so sit that. It’s better for me to be outside every moment, training, work, school. I’m not there for long, it’s hard to get into trouble.
[i] Let’s talk about the contacts with neighbors, you said that the contacts were good. How do you spend your day in Bochum, can you explain it to us?
[r] Yes, I spend the day normally because I’m already working.
If you get up early, can you explain how you spend your day?
[r] I get up at 4, I clean and I shower, then I go to work. I will be done with work at 14:30. I come home, I think at 16:30 or 17 o’clock. Afterwards I prepare myself, I eat something and I go to training because I start training at 19:30. That ends at 21:30. On weekends I sometimes take the time to do some things, visit people. Sunday is the day when I go to church to pray and it is the day when we play football. We usually play every Sunday. Really …
[i] What work do you do, can you explain a bit what work do you do? Do you like the work?
[r] Yes, I work in a situation, I’m in a situation and then I drive forklift, forklift, I drive that. I like that. I have the will to do that. That encourages me. The work is good.
[i] Do you have contact with friends who stayed at home? You have already said that you have contact with family, now with friends.
[r] Yes, with friends I have contacts through Facebook, and WhatsApp we talk a lot. We talk and that’s good. In the conversation, we talk about the past life together, that’s good. Contact is there.
[i] Here in Bochum you have contact with people from Congo?
[r] Yes, I have contact with many,
[i] In which cities besides Bochum?
[r] Apart from Bochum, in many cities, such as Essen, Cologne, eh …, Wuppertal, Düsseldorf, Mönchengladbach, Bavaria,
We know Congolese pray a lot, both in Congo and in Europe. Are you also connected to a church here in Europe?
[r] Yes, yes, I go to the church in Essen, when I don’t have time I go here in Bochum. It is also a church for Congolese people.
[i] What about the authority here in Bochum, what do you think when you have something to do there? Do you have difficulties or are you okay?
[r] If I need something from the authority I haven’t had any difficulty until now, I always find a solution there.
[i] It is said that the German bureaucracy is very difficult. They have long papers to fill out. Do you also have …,what do you do when you have such difficulties, or when you get such forms? How do you make sure of that? Can you explain a little?
[r] Yes, the problem is that you have to do what is asked of you. Since you are the one who needs help. You have to be patient. You have to be calm, take your time. If you fulfill her condition, you will always find a solution. It is their culture, we must follow this logic. I don’t find that difficult to fill out.
[i] Now if you tell the people from Congo who stayed there an idea about life here, a piece of advice, what can you tell them?
[r] so no, life is hard everywhere, that requires being brave, and you have to do something, like an education. You have to be brave because … Courageous at work. You have to be ready to work, and you have to learn, and you have to have a paper, a diploma. Because in life, as we thought in Congo, it is different here. Here is first the school, then the work is difficult. In kinshasa In Kinshasa …Here is the work first. Here the people live through the work. You have to have the working spirit.
[i] If you have the opportunity to give the authority here advice on how you came, the difficulties, what you suffered, what can you tell them? What changes can they make to improve the lives of migrants who have come or who have lived here for a long time? What advice can you give?
[r] Your problem is to only provide housing as it is in other cities. They don’t give the apartment quickly. They leave migrants at home for a long time. But in other cities the apartment is given quickly. That’s what I can say about that.
[i] You talked about the apartment, and about the stay of migrants. To give a stay to someone who has applied for asylum or who has studied here. Can you say anything about it?
[r] Yes, they don’t give a stay very easily either, they are a bit strict, you give with difficulty. If they change, it will be better. Because there is still difficulty in this page. Problem of apartment, strictness in office, to give people stay, I can offer the authority to change that.
[i] Thank you Mr Kituba for all what you have said and especially for your availability to answer our questions. Really we thank you for it, we wish you good luck for the future, you should develop well in football, the same also at work.
Ok, thank you, thank you, I thank you the same again I thank you since you took your time to receive me in your office. I was very happy. I will be happy that such initiative will be continued, this should not be the last time. If there is still opportunity, if we will have time, we can continue talking, the interview is good.
[i] Thank you!