Format Factory – installation

Use Format Factory for merging and converting video files


Download the programme from the official website.
Note: Do not use any site of softonic . You will be overwhelmed with malware.



Download the program from Site 1 or Site 2


Install the program [Preferrable on a computer with plenty of RAM memory]

by executing: FFSetupLatest.exe


The procedure below is from November 2017.
In 2018 the screen will look a bit different.

Be careful  at the end of the installation:

tick off the checkbox if additional software is offered.










Since the programme is freeware, a new window will appear. Something like the window below.





Finish the installation





Start the program by clicking the icon “Format Factory” on your desktop




Click on MP4



Open Output Setting



Change bitrate via dropdown menu to a minimum of 5000 KB/s
Than you can change the bitrate by hand by typing the preferred KB per second.
In our case we type: 8000


Click Save As





Now the program is ready to join the various MTS-files into 1 MP4 file


For futher information on joining and converting the MTS-files surf to: Format Factory – join and convert files